Nasal Congestion Remedies That Work

08/06/2014 21:45

No one probably enjoys having nasal congestion that is brought about by flu, a cold or an allergic reaction to something. While many people suffering from a stuffy nose this complaint assume that the problem is driven by an over production of mucus, most of the time, the condition is actually brought about by the swelling of the membranes inside the nose itself.  As many sufferers can attest, the usual course of a nasal congestion problem spans a couple of days and the mucus can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms. Luckily, there are quite a lot of natural nasal congestion remedies that you can try to do in the privacy of your own home while you search for a permanent cure to the problem.

Some home nasal congestion remedies focus particularly on environmental changes. To help in getting rid of allergens and irritants present in the air, an air conditioner will greatly help; just make sure to recover in a room where the air supply is clean and filtered. For relief from congestion, using a vaporizer is also effective, in particular when you add menthol salve or vinegar to the water source. You can also breathe over a container with a boiling concoction of water with vinegar or herbs to give yourself some relief in the absence of a vaporizer.

Other home relief for nasal congestion involve the consumption of pungent or spicy foods. To open up the sinus passages, consuming chicken soup with high amounts of black pepper can help. Some of the other known remedies for nasal congestion that can easily be done are eating ethnic foods which are popular for their spiciness.

Another common relief for nasal congestion is the use of a saline spray. A lot of various preparations for a nasal spray are available, although in essence, they need boiling water with table salt and baking soda and storing the cooled mixture in a clean bottle. To directly apply the mixture into the nasal passages, a dropper or a rubber nasal syringe may be used. The saline solution is believed to have effective properties that can shrink the affected membranes and promote natural drainage.

